Hmmm here in Belgium our pools look like this these days:
So maybe it’s a good chance to dive in the “Virtual summer” with Microsoft!
If you dive in here—sumitprovirt1tnug you can find all the necessary goodies on Virtualization wit Microsoft to keep you occupied inside while you enjoy your nice view of your pool in the rain
There are tracks for:
So for every weather type there’s something in there. Get ready for the next virtualization wave an read up on all the different techniques and components used to get you going.
When you are done with browsing through the vast amount of info please also do not hesitate to put your knowledge to the test and visit the Microsoft Virtual Academy. Another great resource on the various Virtualization topics. Here you’ll find different tracks on:
First check out the training material and then take the test. The tracks are nicely build up and you can take them at your own pace.
They give you a nice overview of the different techniques and provide a nice mix of in-depth knowledge and overview of the products and features used.
Make sure to check out the virtualization tracks. They also hold a lot of info on the new upcoming version of SCVMM2012.
Each track provides you also with the materials and links to related eval versions of the software.
You see enough to keep you busy when things aren’t going as planned weather wise