Have you ever had the need to delete a Cloud Management Gateway (CMG) deployment from ConfigMgr?
If so, did it work as intended? ?
I’ve personally come across a few issues on the Azure side of things, where resources wouldn’t get deleted. Most times that was due to granular permissions on Resource Groups and was fixed by asking the appropriate administrator to remove the resources.
This time though, the Azure resources did get removed. But the status of CMG in the ConfigMgr Admin console showed “Deleting”
First thought was to give it some time. And then some more. A weekend has passed, and the CMG still seems stuck on deleting.
If you upgraded your ConfigMgr 1702 or earlier environment to Configmgr 1706 and in the status messages after the upgrade you get :
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 2627, severity 14: [23000][2627][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘SUM_DriverUpdates_PK’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.SUM_DriverUpdates’. The duplicate key value is (d8483f4f-0390-49db-b251-faf884dd8eaf
Be aware that the Product Group are aware of this issue and are on a working on a fix. The result of this problem is that admins cannot see new Surface driver updates.
Other than that, nothing else is impacted so it can be ignored.
Hope it helps ,
Kenny Buntinx
MVP Enterprise Mobility