This blog post is part of a series how to backup your SCOM environment.
You can find the other parts here:
There are 2 versions supported in SCOM and they both need a different approach to backup.
IIS6 is normally used if you are running SCOM 2007R2 on a Windows 2003 platform. It is used to support the components of the web console and the SQL Server Reporting Services. If you are using SQL Server Reporting Services from SQL 2008 IIS is not used anymore and it is just sufficient to backup the dbases.
IIS7 is normally used if you are running SCOM 2007R2 on a Windows 2008 platform (it can also run on a windows 2003 server but is not installed by default). The approach to backup IIS7 is somewhat different as it stores it’s data differently. The files you need to backup are web.config files and the applicationhost.config files. For more info on how to backup IIS 7 you can read this nice reference:
So let’s start with the backup shall we:
Connect to the RMS and navigate to Start > administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
Right click the server name and navigate to “All Tasks” > “Backup/restore Configuration…”
The configuration backup dialog box will come up.
Fill in a backup name and if you want to make a secure backup you can tick the box “Encrypt Backup using password” and supply a password for the backup.
Click OK and your backup is made…
The actual backup file is stored in “%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBack”
I suggest you take a copy of this file in case your RMS is unrecoverable. Otherwise the file itself which resides on the server will also be gone and what’s the point in backing up then
Open an elevated prompt on your RMS
Navigate to %windir%\system32\inetsrv
Run the command “appcmd add backup “name of your backup set”. If you not specify a name a name will be generated with the date and time.
If you are using IIS 7 your live just became a little bit easier. If you are using Vista SP1 or later / Windows Server 2008 the backup is automatically done if you create an initial backup like shown below. IIS automatically makes a history snapshot of ApplicationHost.config each time it detects a change so you can easily restore a prior version. By default it will keep 10 prior versions and checks every 2 minutes.
The files are stored in “%systemdrive%\inetpub\history”
Pretty cool feature if you ask me and a big improvement from the previous version.
To enumerate a list of backups and configuration history files, use the following command:
“%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list backup”